Digital citizenship can be defined as using technology in knowledgeable, appropriate and safe ways.
This is critical for kids as their actions create a digital footprint that could remain with them forever. We combine our extensive knowledge of social media platforms, reputation management tools, marketing techniques, and personal experience with our own children to create informative digital citizenship programming for parents, tweens, teens, and college students.
Our most popular programs include:
❐ Digital Citizenship & Online Safety for Parents
❐ Social Media Survival Skills for Teens
❐ Digital Branding/Reputation Management for College Students
❐ LinkedIn for Students
We can create a custom program to meet the needs of your community or school group. Just ask!
Contact us!
Our programs have been featured on local news stations. We have had the privilege of working with the TechOlympics, the premiere high school technology competition and expo, sponsored annually by the INTERalliance and Forest Hills School District in Cincinnati for several years. On the college level, Michelle Beckham-Corbin has been an annual presenter at the University of Cincinnati and facilitated seminars at Northern Kentucky University, Xavier University, and Miami University of Ohio.
Listen in on an interview of Michelle speaking on the topic of keeping kids safe on the social media highway with Cheri Lawson of National Public Radio station WNKU: Listen Here